An Introduction to Integrating ColdFusion, ColdSpring, and Flex 3

I am presenting how to use ColdFusion, ColdSpring, and Flex together to the Kansas City Adobe RIA User Group on March 25, 2008. ColdSpring is a framework that helps developers manage the dependencies between ColdFusion Components (CFCs). ColdSpring has a feature that enables it to create a remote facade for any of the CFCs that it manages. A Flex application can connect to the remote facade CFC to get data, save information, or to perform other server side operations. My presentation provides an introduction on how to use ColdSpring to manage dependencies and how to enable ColdSpring to create remote facade CFCs.

Using the links below you can download a copy of the presentation and the example projects. In the first part of the presentation, I explain how to setup the example projects and the database they use.

An Introduction to Integrating ColdFusion, ColdSpring, and Flex 3, PowerPoint 2003 Presentation

An Introduction to Integrating ColdFusion, ColdSpring, and Flex 3, PDF




Example2 Using Application.cfc instead of Application.cfm

Microsoft Access or MySQL Database

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Thanks for sharing these, we developers from India seldom get opportunity to attend such presentations as CF presentations are not happening here much.
Thanks again
# Posted By Shimju David | 3/25/08 8:30 AM
Hey Bruce,

This looks pretty cool. Will there be a recording of this presentation somewhere?

# Posted By Dan Wilson | 3/25/08 9:25 AM
This is a welcome and complete example. Much obliged.
# Posted By David Buhler | 3/25/08 10:33 AM
yeah, if you record this, which would be uber schweet, please list it out on Charlies UGTV, eh?

# Posted By Douglas Knudsen | 3/25/08 11:03 AM
@Dan - if it is recorded I'll post a link here.
# Posted By Bruce | 3/25/08 11:37 AM
It wasn't recorded, sorry.
# Posted By Jim Pickering | 4/4/08 7:47 AM
This is awesome! Thanks for the information.
# Posted By Bob Scott | 5/24/08 7:39 PM
Thanks a lot.
# Posted By cephe kaplama | 4/27/09 9:01 AM
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